The last days of 2010 for me have been spent walking in Memphis and they have been great, minus the hiccup of a football game gone sour. Pulling in town with the whole family in tow, we dropped our stuff at a quaint little spot known as the Courtyard Marriott. Wasting no time, we head out with the kids to smoke out a good lunch spot on Beale Street, much against advisors' suggestions which was to "get OFF Beale St".
After lunch and a three hour parade for the Liberty Bowl, (which, by the way, consisted of 18 mediocre high school marching bands, three 18 wheelers from Auto Zone, 15 Shriners in little cars, and finally a marching band so big they had to make us move back:)) we head back to the CM (Courtyard Marriott for those of you on the "slower" side.)
We pick up LOML's cousin and two of his three sons and head back downtown for dinner. After contemplating our choices, we decide on the Flying Fish. Another quaint and cozy spot I would highly recommend. Ok, cozy may be a stretch. If you like those rubber fish nailed to plaques that sing and good fried seafood, this is your place!
After dinner, it was only appropriate that we walk across the street to show our kids the Peabody ducks that live in finer digs than they do! They have their own "condo", if you will, from which they get escorted from and to every day. I am not sure what the upkeep on those ducks is costing the hotel, but if money gets tight at The Peadbody and duck suddenly becomes a new featured item on the Flying Fish menu I would avoid trying it until I got a head count in the pond they got over there in the lobby.
Then today, as we awoke to somewhat cloudy skies with just a hint of sun trying to work it's way through, I just knew we were all meant to venture out to Elvis Presley Boulevard to see, (drum roll please........)
Oh, what a lucky, lucky girl I am!
There are just not enough words in the English or Japanese dictionary to explain that place. Let's just say I will be downloading every available book about Graceland, Elvis, Lisa Marie, Vernon, Priscilla, etc. onto my Kindle ASAP as I am now terribly fascinated with this icon of music. But who I would really like to learn more about is the decorator of that fine home, but feel certain they overdosed on hallucinogens years ago and for security reasons was probably living under and alias. Who knew you could put carpet on SO MANY SURFACES!!! Wow! A true talent for showing us the real meaning of "waste not, want not".
After leaving the mansion, viewing the King's clothes and numerous gold records and awards we had a stroll through the Meditation Garden that Elvis had built so he could have somewhere to think away from the 20 plus people who were probably living there with him. Either that or he needed a place away to go do some drugs...whatever, now it's four graves, including his. Moment of silence please...............................................................................................ok, moment over.
I did leave a good bit more impressed with the man than I left the hotel this morning. He took care of his family and that's aces in my book.
(I do need to stop here and tell you a little about some of the other Graceland Goer's today.....the lady next to us in line was comparing Graceland to Liborachi's and Dean Martin's homes....ok, that's really all you need to know....)
Sooooo, after the tour of the house, we got to see the AIRPLANES!!!! Now, for those of you who know me, I am not a fan of flight, BUT could totally fly on a plane with blue suede walls! Damn he knew how to fly in style! The littler plane was not as impressive as the Lisa Marie, but I do give them credit for their color scheme of yellow and green of the 60s seat covers.
The footlball game we came up here to see is not even worth mentioning right now since we lost and I want to end my year on a hight note...
So, here I sit in the CM. The two youngest of our kids are sound asleep. LOML, Baby Girl 1 and my in-laws are over at their cousin/nephew's temporary home up here having a cookout. On the way, they got to stop off and see B, our cousin who is up here because St. Jude's can help him. He has leukemia and about 90 days ago had his 3rd bone marrow transplant. I think it is very appropriate that we are here as 2010 ends and 2011 begins. We have spent a lot of time over the past two years hoping and praying for this young warrior and his family, and for two years B and his family have continued to inspire and lift us up in our darkest times, which compared to theirs are pretty damn bright. They have taken to "pressing on" through all of it, the very worst of it and I have been fortunate, as so many have been to be one of the passengers on their journey. B's mom has a word of the year and encourages others to do so as a means of inspiration of how you are going to live the next year. So, as the hours wind down in 2010, I have been trying to think of my word for this year- I think it will be "grace"...well, for more that one reason:), but for all the right ones.
Happy New Year's Everyone!
From Memphis with Love.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Time
It happens every year, so I don't know why I am ever surprised. Christmas is here once again- wasn't it just last week? I grew up on many traditions and now as a mom, have tried to come up with a few of my own. I have fond memories of decorating the tree, singing Christmas carols, going to church and singing "Silent Night" as we all lit our candles. All very Norman Rockwell-esque. I think I can even here Karen Carpenter singing in the background as I look back over the years. Good times. And, the good times are still here. (Well, let me back up and give you the run down of Christmas prep at our house, then we will get to the good times.)
LOML, God bless his sweet heart, has this thing about the way he likes things to be. In life in general, but at Christmas time...well, let's just say his inner Clark Griswold comes out. Last Thursday night he was hanging out wreaths on the windows so the outside would be all ready for the church Christmas party we were hosting. Now, there is a fine art and science to hanging the "damn wreaths" (as they are affectionately known as). I gave up helping a long time ago, for simply wanting to keep my head attached to my shoulders. You measure and place the suction cup on the bottom sash, you lower top sash and hang wreath and the ribbon to the nail at top of top sash, and then you carefully hook the wreath onto the suction cup for extra security, and close both sashes- hoping nothing falls off. (Including LOML falling out the window.) By the way, something always falls off....enter here LOML using some VERY BAD WORDS!!! Also, a point to note is it is usually about 30 degrees with blowing winds while this is taking place. Good times.
This past Wednesday was the night that my family was going to pick out the "tree". Now, I have never met a bigger tree snob than my husband- but I love that he wants it to be perfect for his family...but honey-life ain't perfect. We chose to head out to the local Home Depot...(.yeah , yeah, I know- not the most Norman Rockwell thing we do at Christmas, BUT they have Noble Firs which is Tree Snob's fav so there you go). It's about 7 o'clock as the five of us prance on in, the kids are very excited as am I because Baby Boy is REALLY digging the whole Christmas thing. Baby Girl 1 and 2 are as happy as they can be, and LOML is grinning from ear to ear. We head out to the garden center to find that, although open, no one is working....not a good sign for me. Then, we find the ONE Noble Fir they have left...the Charlie Brown Noble Fir...again, not a good sign for me. Then, as LOML and the girls are honing in on a good one- Baby Girl 1 gets upset because it isn't big enough...ok, you can see this is only about to go down hill and into a concrete wall right? So then after looking at 20 trees (mind you, I didn't look at this many colleges, wedding dresses, names for my children,...) we find "the tree". It really doesn't seem to matter, because Baby Girl 1 is beyond consoling at this point and LOML is just pissed off that no one is there to check us out which is going to require him to get the tree way the hell to the other side of the store to check out!
Picture this...
LOML, in his Brooks Brothers suit and dress coat, dragging a Christmas tree through Home Depot with the rest of the Griswold's trailing behind. We finally catch up to him at the SELF CHECK OUT LANE trying to scan the tree! Literally.
The nicest girl comes over to offer help and I am trying desperately to catch her attention in warning that she may just want to hide behind the counter, but it's too late.....the kids are all coming un-glued and I am afraid LOML is going to be taken out on a stretcher after he has a heart attack. The girl has another worker come over to help Frank, and things seem to be moving in a new happier direction...the guy picks the tree up and carries it back to the garden center to trim the trunk and bag'er up! (Insert here the uncontrollable laughter from me.)
Anyway, so now the tree is up and got decorated that night with lots of fun and laughter. Once we got home- everyone was a bit more in the Christmas spirit. I sat in the other room for a while and messed around in the kitchen thinking of how the size of the tree and the wreaths on the front really don't matter much- not in this day in time. It's all nice to have, but it's not what it's really all about is it? No, and of course you know where I am heading with this,
Charlie Brown: “Isn’t there ANYONE who knows what Christmas is all about?!?!
Linus: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ ” (Luke 2:8-14)
“You see, Charlie Brown—that’s what Christmas is all about.”
Thank you Mr. Schultz and Mr. Griswold, for reminding us for what it's really all about, but also for keeping it real:
LOML, God bless his sweet heart, has this thing about the way he likes things to be. In life in general, but at Christmas time...well, let's just say his inner Clark Griswold comes out. Last Thursday night he was hanging out wreaths on the windows so the outside would be all ready for the church Christmas party we were hosting. Now, there is a fine art and science to hanging the "damn wreaths" (as they are affectionately known as). I gave up helping a long time ago, for simply wanting to keep my head attached to my shoulders. You measure and place the suction cup on the bottom sash, you lower top sash and hang wreath and the ribbon to the nail at top of top sash, and then you carefully hook the wreath onto the suction cup for extra security, and close both sashes- hoping nothing falls off. (Including LOML falling out the window.) By the way, something always falls off....enter here LOML using some VERY BAD WORDS!!! Also, a point to note is it is usually about 30 degrees with blowing winds while this is taking place. Good times.
This past Wednesday was the night that my family was going to pick out the "tree". Now, I have never met a bigger tree snob than my husband- but I love that he wants it to be perfect for his family...but honey-life ain't perfect. We chose to head out to the local Home Depot...(.yeah , yeah, I know- not the most Norman Rockwell thing we do at Christmas, BUT they have Noble Firs which is Tree Snob's fav so there you go). It's about 7 o'clock as the five of us prance on in, the kids are very excited as am I because Baby Boy is REALLY digging the whole Christmas thing. Baby Girl 1 and 2 are as happy as they can be, and LOML is grinning from ear to ear. We head out to the garden center to find that, although open, no one is working....not a good sign for me. Then, we find the ONE Noble Fir they have left...the Charlie Brown Noble Fir...again, not a good sign for me. Then, as LOML and the girls are honing in on a good one- Baby Girl 1 gets upset because it isn't big enough...ok, you can see this is only about to go down hill and into a concrete wall right? So then after looking at 20 trees (mind you, I didn't look at this many colleges, wedding dresses, names for my children,...) we find "the tree". It really doesn't seem to matter, because Baby Girl 1 is beyond consoling at this point and LOML is just pissed off that no one is there to check us out which is going to require him to get the tree way the hell to the other side of the store to check out!
Picture this...
LOML, in his Brooks Brothers suit and dress coat, dragging a Christmas tree through Home Depot with the rest of the Griswold's trailing behind. We finally catch up to him at the SELF CHECK OUT LANE trying to scan the tree! Literally.
The nicest girl comes over to offer help and I am trying desperately to catch her attention in warning that she may just want to hide behind the counter, but it's too late.....the kids are all coming un-glued and I am afraid LOML is going to be taken out on a stretcher after he has a heart attack. The girl has another worker come over to help Frank, and things seem to be moving in a new happier direction...the guy picks the tree up and carries it back to the garden center to trim the trunk and bag'er up! (Insert here the uncontrollable laughter from me.)
Anyway, so now the tree is up and got decorated that night with lots of fun and laughter. Once we got home- everyone was a bit more in the Christmas spirit. I sat in the other room for a while and messed around in the kitchen thinking of how the size of the tree and the wreaths on the front really don't matter much- not in this day in time. It's all nice to have, but it's not what it's really all about is it? No, and of course you know where I am heading with this,
Charlie Brown: “Isn’t there ANYONE who knows what Christmas is all about?!?!
Linus: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ ” (Luke 2:8-14)
“You see, Charlie Brown—that’s what Christmas is all about.”
"We're gonna have the hap hap happiest christmas since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny f!@#* Kaye!"
- Clark Griswold, Christmas Vacation
Thank you Mr. Schultz and Mr. Griswold, for reminding us for what it's really all about, but also for keeping it real:
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Now why didn't I think of this....
While purusing the yearly Christmas catalouges I stumbled upon this gem...and I an great disappointed in myself for not thinking already.
Who thinks this stuff up and why haven't they been arrested yet??????
Who thinks this stuff up and why haven't they been arrested yet??????
Monday, November 22, 2010
Growing Up On Beach Music
I think it is only fitting that I went to college in South Carolina, one of the homes of Beach Music, or Shag Music. You see, I was brought up on this stuff and to this day, it remains my favorite genre of music. I will never get tired of listening to it, and always love finding new songs that I have never heard. I definitely have to credit my parents and their friends for my love of beach music. But more so my dad, whose love of music spans back I would bet to his mother probably singing to him as a child. Now she had a beautiful singing voice and sang in the church choir until she simply couldn't make it there anymore, not that that stopped her singing for she sang to my girls when they would go visit, "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..."
So dad grew up with music, and so did I. Unfortunately, after many efforts, I never learned to read music with any sense of grace, but I can carry a tune. Anyway, back to the beach music....
I would say the music was heard a lot more during the summer months, and straight up Motown the rest of the year. Isn't it strange that I can remember that? I think it's because most of the beach music was played on our way to the beach or while there. So, today, as I sit here listening to the rain, the song Rainy Day Bells kept popping into my head and it made me want to go hunt down some of my other favorite beach music/ Motown music....feel free to comment your own favs!
Rainy Day Bells
Up on the Roof
Ms. Grace
more to come.....
So dad grew up with music, and so did I. Unfortunately, after many efforts, I never learned to read music with any sense of grace, but I can carry a tune. Anyway, back to the beach music....
I would say the music was heard a lot more during the summer months, and straight up Motown the rest of the year. Isn't it strange that I can remember that? I think it's because most of the beach music was played on our way to the beach or while there. So, today, as I sit here listening to the rain, the song Rainy Day Bells kept popping into my head and it made me want to go hunt down some of my other favorite beach music/ Motown music....feel free to comment your own favs!
Rainy Day Bells
Up on the Roof
Ms. Grace
more to come.....
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Dog update
Because I know you have all been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for news about our newest family member, here it goes. We passed the home inspection- YIPPIE! (Which also means they did NOT see this blog- can I get another- YIPPIE?!?!.) Unfortunately, Ladybug is already being adopted by another family. Tear. We then went on to Missy who was a little bit older than Ladybug, but still seemed (on our end) a good fit. Received a call from Missy's foster "human" dad tonight, and they have chosen another home for her due to some health issues. Explaining that to the kids was no fun- ugh! So, we will wait, but knowing that our dog is out there somewhere just waiting for us too.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
So, I used to go to Waffle House to study in college....
Ok, so maybe college libraries are overrated. I spent a large part of my college studying time at one of the two busiest Waffle Houses in the country. One on either side of the I-26 in Clinton, SC. But let's be honest, there was not a lot of studying going on there. I mean who can study in a place with that many interesting (and often disturbing at that time at night) people to look at- constantly. And I'm not just talking about the customers people. Once the library closed, if we knew it would be a long night, we'd pack it up and head on over to WaHo for a little patty melt and hash browns. Or for those nights when I was "pretending" to eat "healthy", I would order a salad. (I don't think I need to tell you how not healthy that was.) We would sit there for about two hours trying to memorize as much information as we could before heading back to the dorms to crash. Why am I thinking about all of this now, you ask? This morning, I was back at a WaHo with my two youngest kids and my little ole' mind just started wandering back down that path. One thing that I have found at the "Great House" is that the people who work there (missing teeth and all) are genuinely the nicest people you will ever come across. And, furthermore, I would go as far as saying that you get some of the best customer service there than you could get anywhere else. Now, granted the amount of space between my waitresses teeth today was enough for me to do a double take, and one of the other waitresses was sporting a face paint job she got at the fair last Tuesday- BUT, they were kind to me and my kids. They were happy, all of them. Now, I am sure they all have their moments, but I would guess what I witnessed today was pretty much the norm. A good friend and mentor once told my husband and I that you should always tip big at Waffle House, because they need it the most- but they deserve it the most too. Three Cheers for Waffle House!
Friday, October 29, 2010
A ten year old's birthday party.
So, here I sit at 7:10 on a cool fall night at Baby Girl 1's birthday party. So far, it seems to be a hit. We are having a little pizza and a movie...Diary of a Wimpy Kid....this is a pretty funny movie. Sweet girls and sweet treats!
Friday, October 22, 2010
On the tip of my tongue...
I have a great deal of admiration for people who can really articulate what is on their mind. Me, not really one of those- well, except for here. I tend to stumble on my words and end up saying some of the DUMBEST things EVER!! Do you know how many times I am trying to talk to my kids about something somewhat important that I end up thinking- did those words actually just come out of my mouth? And let's just say alcohol does not help my disorder AT ALL! I stumble, fall, and then FORGET what dumb things I have said. I think things would go a lot more smoothly if I could just sit down and type out my thoughts before I say them----really taking the whole "think before you speak" to a new level. I can either email my commentary or just text it to whomever it concerns? It's amazing that I managed to teach classrooms full of kids!
No, nothing has happened recently to spur on this train of thought...just thinking about it and trying really hard to take my time and think, before I speak.
No, nothing has happened recently to spur on this train of thought...just thinking about it and trying really hard to take my time and think, before I speak.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Where does the time go?
Baby Girl 1 is turning 10 in one week and I have to say this is hitting me pretty hard. I still see her as I do above in the yellow outfit going to her first day of school (ages 4 and 3). Now, ages (9 and 8, almost 10 and 9- switched sides for that pic) they are just growing up way to fast. But they are growing into beautiful and smart young ladies. I am one proud mama!
Oh, and Baby Boy ain't too shabby either:)
"She Don't Like Roses"
I love to drown my thoughts in the music I listen to. I can apply any given emotion to whatever song is coming through my ipod when I'm out running/walking- which seems to be the one time I am really quiet. This morning, in the mist of last night's rain, I took off on what would only end up being a 20 minute jog around the neighborhood (but hey, it was better than staying in bed- am I right?). My recent artist of choice (because I get stuck on one and play them to death) is Christine Cane. She is actually an artist I came across a few years ago while training for a hike in Yosemite National Park. I haven't really listened to her in a while, but was drawn back to her a few weeks ago after someone I have a great admiration for said she was actually a friend and mentor. Interested in this, I went back to visit Christine. Her music is really calming and thought provoking- just my kind of music.
Check her out.
Check her out.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Home Visit Today
At approximately 2 o'clock the lady from Boykin Rescue Society will be coming for the "home visit" portion of the adoption process. Wish me luck...yep, ME! LOML is out of town, so it's just me, the kids, and our pet frogs (that are hanging on by a thread) to prove to this chick that we are Boykin worthy. On a sad note, Ladybug is under pending adoption-tear. You can go to their website to see pics of the dogs available.
On a funnier note, Baby Boy has started calling me by my given name, Loy. He just spent five minutes walking around the house calling for me.
On a funnier note, Baby Boy has started calling me by my given name, Loy. He just spent five minutes walking around the house calling for me.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Family Reunions
Family reunions....let's discuss. I have two that I go to every year-my mom's and my dad's families. My favorite (and most humorous) part about both of these events is that we go all year between seeing most of these people, we get there only to socialize with those in our immediate family that we see all of the time and then proceed to sit with said relatives. Really. Last week, we headed out to my dad's family reunion. When it comes to my Dad's side, you can't throw a rock in my town and not hit a relative. We show empty handed because I have an Aunt who loves to cook and was pretty much providing enough for all of I let her:). After LOML and I take turns chasing Baby Boy around for a while, I finally decide to pull rank and grab a roll off the buffet for the little guy to snack on while we wait for someone to bless the spread for the LOVE OF GOD!!! LOML is determined not to be the last in line, so he and the girls start lingering around the stack of plates on the table hoping to jump on that at "Amen", but something goes wrong and they make their way back to where are immediate family has gathered in the back corner neat the "Exit" sign. FINALLY, the 123rd relative shows up with their fried chicken and congealed salad and we can get this eat fest on it's way. (You should know that by this time, I have made my way to the stack of plates....I wouldn't say I was first, but I was definitely a close second.) It was like a war a tell you, there were people coming at the table from all sides...chicken, ham, no...roast was all just TOO MUCH! At this point no one is talking about anything accept what all they can fit on their plates and will they need a clean plate for round 2. It was crazy I tell you. I got back to the table with a plate for Baby Boy and myself and honest to God, I am not even sure what was on it. I had no plan. I just grabbed what I could and got out of there! LOML was stuck talking severe right wing politics with a cousin and I was doing my very best to get him back in the game, but it was a struggle. This cousin, I kid you not, goes to a church where they sit around and talk about the different political candidates that are running in the next election and discuss their platforms so they can decide who to vote for----AS THEIR SUNDAY SCHOOL!!! WHAT?? Ok, to each his own. Obviously things get much quieter as people start to eat. My aunt and her son(with his family) are sitting with us- like I said, we don't stray from our pack. EVER. Since I was first (or second) to get my plate of "real" food, I was first or second to hit the infamous buffet of desserts....ahhhhhhhh!
Then the ring leader gets up with the microphone...go around, introduce your family that's there, make excuses for the slackers that didn't come, and tell us all of your news.
"Jimmy and Suzy had a baby, Mary and Jeff are getting married, little Timmy is finally graduating and I've had an off and on again bought with gas that should be kicking in here any minute----"
I promise, you never know what's coming next.
But, all in all, it's not a bad time if you think about it. I have had the honor of knowing all of my grandparents and three of my great grandparents. My girls knew them too. A few years back "the other shoe dropped" as my sister and I liked to say. I had it pretty damn good for about 30 years with having all of these people in my life. Unfortunately when they went, it was fast and all around the same time. That really sucked. (Sorry, I know my great grandmothers and one grandmother are looking down not pleased with my choice of wording. The one here wouldn't approve, but would understand.) So, now that they aren't all here anymore, I kinda like going to these little get togethers because it let's me hold on to them a little bit more. They are the constants and the comfortable.
Then the ring leader gets up with the microphone...go around, introduce your family that's there, make excuses for the slackers that didn't come, and tell us all of your news.
"Jimmy and Suzy had a baby, Mary and Jeff are getting married, little Timmy is finally graduating and I've had an off and on again bought with gas that should be kicking in here any minute----"
I promise, you never know what's coming next.
But, all in all, it's not a bad time if you think about it. I have had the honor of knowing all of my grandparents and three of my great grandparents. My girls knew them too. A few years back "the other shoe dropped" as my sister and I liked to say. I had it pretty damn good for about 30 years with having all of these people in my life. Unfortunately when they went, it was fast and all around the same time. That really sucked. (Sorry, I know my great grandmothers and one grandmother are looking down not pleased with my choice of wording. The one here wouldn't approve, but would understand.) So, now that they aren't all here anymore, I kinda like going to these little get togethers because it let's me hold on to them a little bit more. They are the constants and the comfortable.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Pet
So, we are thinking of adding to the chaos and getting a dog. I just feel like we don't have enough going on with the kids doing ballet, gymnastics, art, choir, homework, me being an incredible wife, mom, taxi driver....the list goes on. Anyway, back to the dog. We are are thinking about, well heck, we've already sent the paper work in to the Boykin Rescue Society in the hopes to adopt a sweet little Boykin named Lady Bug. I had no idea what a process this would be! We had to put a "reference" down, so we put down a good friend and lover of dogs. Check- they called him today and all he can say is we may want to look into getting a fish. The next step is a house visit. I assume they come and check to see that we have a loving and stable home in which to raise the young pup. Really?? This may not turn out as well as I would hope and I am working on what I will tell the girls. I hope they don't so "sneak" attacks and catch me in one of my not so finest parenting moments-aka yelling...
Many years ago, well about three, we lost our family pet. Well, you might actually say we had joint custody with my in-laws. When we lived closer to them , he would escape our yard, cross a major road and dig his way in to their dog pen. (It's a good thing he can't give a reference.) Hap was a sweet Britney Spaniel that LOML got in Law School (I think) and I am sure was his sole companion until I came along and swept him off his feet. Towards the end, we had several trips to the vet trying to do everything we could to keep the old guy with us including once a week $25 horse shots for his hips. Anything for Hap and quite honestly, the other alternative was one we were not ready to face, and in all seriousness, no one wants to face with their family pet.
In trying to keep all of this light and hoping not to offend, I do have to tell you about our "almost" trip to the vet when we just knew it was the end and he really was really just suffering too much. LOML, after a long couple of days where Hap would just barely get up and not really eating decided it was time. I felt so sorry for him. He called his dad to ride with him to our vet with Hap. When LOML pulled into the driveway of his parents' house, his Dad was already digging a hole. Sad. LOML got out to help his dad, leaving the truck door open. For the first time in days, Hap leapt out of the car and took off running around the yard nearly falling into what was going to be his eternal resting place. LOML's mom came running out and graciously offered to keep Hap and care for him at her house. Kinda like Dog Hospice really. I think Hap knew he would get better care there for sure. Either that or he just knew this was going to make a funny story one day- he had a good sense of humor too. So, from that day for the next almost year, Hap remained with his grandparents. ( Ok, I'm thinking I won't publish this until after the adoption goes through?)
So, back to the present. The Rescue Society was very quick to check our reference and talk to our vet, but things have seemed to slow down a bit. Starting to worry that someone will come snatch ole' Lady up if something doesn't happen soon! Keep your fingers crossed!
Many years ago, well about three, we lost our family pet. Well, you might actually say we had joint custody with my in-laws. When we lived closer to them , he would escape our yard, cross a major road and dig his way in to their dog pen. (It's a good thing he can't give a reference.) Hap was a sweet Britney Spaniel that LOML got in Law School (I think) and I am sure was his sole companion until I came along and swept him off his feet. Towards the end, we had several trips to the vet trying to do everything we could to keep the old guy with us including once a week $25 horse shots for his hips. Anything for Hap and quite honestly, the other alternative was one we were not ready to face, and in all seriousness, no one wants to face with their family pet.
In trying to keep all of this light and hoping not to offend, I do have to tell you about our "almost" trip to the vet when we just knew it was the end and he really was really just suffering too much. LOML, after a long couple of days where Hap would just barely get up and not really eating decided it was time. I felt so sorry for him. He called his dad to ride with him to our vet with Hap. When LOML pulled into the driveway of his parents' house, his Dad was already digging a hole. Sad. LOML got out to help his dad, leaving the truck door open. For the first time in days, Hap leapt out of the car and took off running around the yard nearly falling into what was going to be his eternal resting place. LOML's mom came running out and graciously offered to keep Hap and care for him at her house. Kinda like Dog Hospice really. I think Hap knew he would get better care there for sure. Either that or he just knew this was going to make a funny story one day- he had a good sense of humor too. So, from that day for the next almost year, Hap remained with his grandparents. ( Ok, I'm thinking I won't publish this until after the adoption goes through?)
So, back to the present. The Rescue Society was very quick to check our reference and talk to our vet, but things have seemed to slow down a bit. Starting to worry that someone will come snatch ole' Lady up if something doesn't happen soon! Keep your fingers crossed!
Monday, October 4, 2010
All Tied up and No Where to Go
As the mom of two busy daughters and one active almost two year old, I find myself loosing essential parts of my brain from time to time. Is this a common occurrence among us moms? Dads even? I have a rather large "island" in the middle of my kitchen that stays rather, well full of s!#* most of the time as LOML says. There are many days where I start on one side of my kitchen and head to the other side to get, let's say the milk out of the fridge, and in the four steps it takes me to get to the fridge I can't remember what the hell I was going to get! Did you catch the "four step" part---this is not a big kitchen people and the "island" takes up most of it. The fact that I am putting this out there on the Internet just goes to show what an incredible sense of humor I have, but I would really like to know if this is an illness I should search WebMD about or just chalk it up to Mom-itis? Discuss amongst yourselves and get back to me- peace out!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Weight Watchers, Biggest Loosers and Ice Cream Pie
I may be taking this whole "I don't really care what I weigh anymore as long as I feel and look good thing" a bit too far...
I am sitting here watching NBC's The Biggest Looser, that shows Jennifer Hudson hocking Weight Watchers...and all I want to do is go eat a piece of the leftover coffee ice cream pie (with toffee bits in the bottom...YUM!)
Oh well, vote my big ole behind off- I'm going to get me some pie!
No fears, I'm not throwing it all away- I'll walk Baby Boy to preschool is several blocks and involves a hill.
I am sitting here watching NBC's The Biggest Looser, that shows Jennifer Hudson hocking Weight Watchers...and all I want to do is go eat a piece of the leftover coffee ice cream pie (with toffee bits in the bottom...YUM!)
Oh well, vote my big ole behind off- I'm going to get me some pie!
No fears, I'm not throwing it all away- I'll walk Baby Boy to preschool is several blocks and involves a hill.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Photo shoots
With the exception of the day I got married, because let's face it I did look pretty good that day, I DO NOT LIKE TO HAVE MY PICTURE TAKEN! Recently, I was forced, and I mean forced to have a family picture taken for the church directory-and let me tell you it was a big ole pain in the .....well, you see where I am going with this.
First of all, I made a mistake and signed us up for a time that turned out to be quite inconvenient for my extremely busy schedule (wine time). Then, I picked a date when Baby Girl 1 was going to be unavailable for pictures. On the last shot I simple called the nice people who have been harassing me about said photo and asked if I could simply submit a picture. Ummmm, NO!
But, they did tell me that I could go to another church in the area that was have photos taken for there directory....UGH!!! I have three children and a life, I do not have time to go hunting down the local Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Then, they said, come on Thursday and we will squeeze you in around 3:40. Ok, ok, OK!!!!
Thursday rolls around, I get my kids off the bus at 3:36 and fly over to the church trying to run a brush through the kids and spit shine the faces...
We walked into the room where the usual black bear rug from 1972 is laid over the table for all five of us to pile up on for the big photo shoot. Baby Boy by the way, is not excited about this at all and all but strangles his father by grabbing and pulling on his tie. The kind photographer tries his best with this wild and disheveled bunch, and got one "not terrible" picture of us. Then, he says he just wants to get one of my husband and did I mention that we were leaving to drive 8 hours after we left here? I was ready to hit the road after the family shot, but noooooo, they want to recreate our wedding day with a bunch of pictures of us leaning our heads into one another and gazing in each others eyes!!!
That's it! I lost it...and I mean literally, I think the photographer thought he might have to leave the room. My husband and I were both exhausted at this point and got so tickled at every move the photographer asked us to make that I started laughing, UNCONTROLLABLY!! It was quite embarrassing and I was deeply ashamed of my behavior. You can imagine what it was like when I had to go in and look at the proofs and listen to the sales lady (who was trying to sell the the $150 package) tell me how great the picture of me and my husband was with tears rolling down my face and my lips pursed together for fear of full on laughing explosion...not one of my finest moments.
First of all, I made a mistake and signed us up for a time that turned out to be quite inconvenient for my extremely busy schedule (wine time). Then, I picked a date when Baby Girl 1 was going to be unavailable for pictures. On the last shot I simple called the nice people who have been harassing me about said photo and asked if I could simply submit a picture. Ummmm, NO!
But, they did tell me that I could go to another church in the area that was have photos taken for there directory....UGH!!! I have three children and a life, I do not have time to go hunting down the local Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Then, they said, come on Thursday and we will squeeze you in around 3:40. Ok, ok, OK!!!!
Thursday rolls around, I get my kids off the bus at 3:36 and fly over to the church trying to run a brush through the kids and spit shine the faces...
We walked into the room where the usual black bear rug from 1972 is laid over the table for all five of us to pile up on for the big photo shoot. Baby Boy by the way, is not excited about this at all and all but strangles his father by grabbing and pulling on his tie. The kind photographer tries his best with this wild and disheveled bunch, and got one "not terrible" picture of us. Then, he says he just wants to get one of my husband and did I mention that we were leaving to drive 8 hours after we left here? I was ready to hit the road after the family shot, but noooooo, they want to recreate our wedding day with a bunch of pictures of us leaning our heads into one another and gazing in each others eyes!!!
That's it! I lost it...and I mean literally, I think the photographer thought he might have to leave the room. My husband and I were both exhausted at this point and got so tickled at every move the photographer asked us to make that I started laughing, UNCONTROLLABLY!! It was quite embarrassing and I was deeply ashamed of my behavior. You can imagine what it was like when I had to go in and look at the proofs and listen to the sales lady (who was trying to sell the the $150 package) tell me how great the picture of me and my husband was with tears rolling down my face and my lips pursed together for fear of full on laughing explosion...not one of my finest moments.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A new kind of make-up
Tomorrow I will be shopping for some new make up to cover my "black" circles under my eyes. At church tonight, a six year old came up to me and asked me what was "wrong" with my eyes?
Why was there black underneath them? What? Huh? I looked at the other adults who were behind her (not her parents) and asked them, "Do I have something black under my eyes?"
"No," they said.
I looked at the little angel and said, "It's called having three kids honey, you will understand when you're a mommy."
Kids say the craziest things! The sad thing is, I did put make-up on today...
Why was there black underneath them? What? Huh? I looked at the other adults who were behind her (not her parents) and asked them, "Do I have something black under my eyes?"
"No," they said.
I looked at the little angel and said, "It's called having three kids honey, you will understand when you're a mommy."
Kids say the craziest things! The sad thing is, I did put make-up on today...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Toenail Police
As I was at the drugstore today picking up my colonoscopy prep...(ok, maybe I shouldn't have opened with that?), I noticed this woman's toenails who was checking out next to me. All I can say is , OH MY GOD!!!! No one should allow their toenails to grow out to the length where they could physically reach out with the foot and scratch your back!! Someone call 911 and get the toenail police here ASAP, this woman needs to be arrested for sure. I'm just glad she didn't see me taking the picture, for sure she would have donkey kicked me and scratched my eyes out!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The New Look
I am one of those people who is CONSTANTLY wanting to re-arrange my furniture or trying to find new ways to organize my tupperware. Sometimes I do it just to drive LOML (Love of my Life) crazy. He calls it "my new system" when he comes home and he sees that I have emptied out all the cabinets thinking that if I move the plates to a new space it will make all of the clutter in my kitchen disappear. I think he likes to use it as a way to get out of unloading the dishes:) It's a little game we play, I move everything around, don't tell him where anything is and watch him go around the kitchen trying to find a cup. Moving furniture is a whole different ball-game, and it usually calls for a mid afternoon call to the office to get a feel for the mood before I start moving sofas and beds around. He is a very organized person and very Not so much. As I said, I am in a constant moving, reorganizing mode. Hence the reason for the new look here- clean and somewhat un-cluttered...hope you like. But don't get used to it, I can almost promise you it will be different next week.
The Tugging Syndrome
Baby Boy has found a new way of communicating these days...he grabs you by the collar, shirt tail, or pant leg (whatever he can reach at the moment) and pulls you where he wants you to go, generally grunting while he pulls. This is all very new to me- Baby Girl 1 and Baby Girl 2 never did anything like this. I have to admit, it's very cute, and I love watching him do it to other people. One night last week I did not find it so cute. I was standing at the stove cooking dinner wearing my elastic waist gym shorts....can you see where I am going with this? It was the great witching hour for those of us with small children, that time right before dinner when things seem to start unraveling at the seams, and BB was really quite frustrated by my lack of attention to his needs as I slaved over the hot pot of mac-n-cheese. After several failed attempts to get me to get him a cookie, he came up behind me for what I thought may be one of his sweet hugs around the, in an attempt to "pull" me to the cookie jar- he pulled my shorts down.
Note to self: always securely tie draw string shorts/pants while around small children.
Note to self: always securely tie draw string shorts/pants while around small children.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mad Men vs. Bewtiched
Opening credits for Mad Men: Don Draper falling to his demise out of his office building in New York
Opening credits for Bewitched: Samantha flying over a city scape on her broom and wiggling her nose.
Marriage of Don and Betty: Fallen on hard times because of Don's lies and deception to his wife.
Marriage of Darrin and Samantha: Seems unstable due to the fact that Samantha is lying to everyone about her being a witch.
More??? You tell me.
Opening credits for Bewitched: Samantha flying over a city scape on her broom and wiggling her nose.
Marriage of Don and Betty: Fallen on hard times because of Don's lies and deception to his wife.
Marriage of Darrin and Samantha: Seems unstable due to the fact that Samantha is lying to everyone about her being a witch.
More??? You tell me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Holy cow, did you see that freight train that just rolled over me! Wow, that was a big one! Come on tiger, get back out there and keep it moving, two kids still need to get to bed and daddy ain't home yet! You can do it!!! And if anyone is actually reading this blog, can you please contact my doctor and ask him to please reconsider the "limited" caffeine (oh, and did I mention no diet cokes- not limited, but NONE?)? And yes, I think that he should be tested for drugs because he is obviously smokin' crack!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Umm.... "limit your caffeine".... you have got to be kidding me!
So, I have been having some "issues" and went to go see my doctor today. He is making some DRASTIC changes to my diet that could possibly be hazardous to the health of all those around me (especially the four that live in my house).
HE WANTS ME TO CUT BACK TO ONE CUP OF COFFEE A DAY...AND NO CREAM IN MY COFFEE!!!!!!!! (Ok, so you see here- this means NO coffee since I don't drink it with out cream!) I feel sure this is some cruel prank or I am being"punked" for some reality tv show. On top of that, this all gets handed down to me the day before my girls start at a new school which requires us to all be up and out of the house by 7 am! Yeah right, this is going to go over well in the morning...if I survive- I'll write to tell about it. It should read like a horror story...
HE WANTS ME TO CUT BACK TO ONE CUP OF COFFEE A DAY...AND NO CREAM IN MY COFFEE!!!!!!!! (Ok, so you see here- this means NO coffee since I don't drink it with out cream!) I feel sure this is some cruel prank or I am being"punked" for some reality tv show. On top of that, this all gets handed down to me the day before my girls start at a new school which requires us to all be up and out of the house by 7 am! Yeah right, this is going to go over well in the morning...if I survive- I'll write to tell about it. It should read like a horror story...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Jane Austen
My new book is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. If you have read it, please tell me what you think. I have seen the movie, and now reading the book- backwards, I know. It is not an easy read because of the language, but a wonderful story. (Funny and romantic:)!)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The "Talk"
It is the most dreaded conversation for parents, but for me, it was one that I could not even fathom having with my girls anytime in the near future...BUT it happened. Today. In the car. As I was driving them to their new school. Not the most ideal location, but I had an opportunity where they couldn't get away from me, and the situation presented itself to me last night after over hearing a conversation they were having with their younger cousins...que the real awkwardness.
Rewind to last night when, as I did laundry in one room, I over heard the girls talking about an album cover on my itunes ("Sex in the City"). One of them says, "We can't listen to that, it has a bad word in it."
Oh no! Baby Girl 2 to Baby Girl 1, "You tell them what the bad word is." Oh heck no! This is NOT happening. I'm not ready! "S.E.X.," says Baby Girl 1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quickly I give them all the five minute warning and tell the cousins to scoot it back down to their house.
Mentally not ready for what lay ahead of me, I got the girls to go to bed and put and end to ANY conversation period!
Fast forward to this morning riding to the new school. (Again, I realize this is not the most opportune time, but what the heck, I'll give it a go.) My main concern is that my daughters feel like they can come to us about ANYTHING. I want the lines of communication to be completely open.
So, I looked at my two little innocent angels in the very back of my van who singing along to Radio Disney and having a grand ole time when I decide to throw down the gauntlet. Turn off the radio only to receive looks of what the hell are you doing from the back seat. I ask them about the conversation they were having with their cousins the night before and if they new what that word meant. Baby Girl 2 (middle child), who had been looking at me very intently the whole time slowly eases back behind the seat in front of her removing herself from my sight line. "Yes", says Baby Girl 1, "It's when people do stuff together. A guy and girl sleep together."
"Where did you hear about this?", I ask. Are you ready for this????
"At Grandmama's house, it was on the 7th Heaven tv show." (That sound you heard was me being written out of my mother's will for putting this out there for anyone and everyone to see.)
Apparently, 7th Heaven did a good and wholesome job in one of the later episodes with the "talk". But if that doesn't work, try this one...
The jury is still out, but I think I faired better than Ms. Sweeney! Poor gal! ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THEY ASK DO NOT PROVIDE ANYMORE INFORMATION THAN THAT!!
Rewind to last night when, as I did laundry in one room, I over heard the girls talking about an album cover on my itunes ("Sex in the City"). One of them says, "We can't listen to that, it has a bad word in it."
Oh no! Baby Girl 2 to Baby Girl 1, "You tell them what the bad word is." Oh heck no! This is NOT happening. I'm not ready! "S.E.X.," says Baby Girl 1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quickly I give them all the five minute warning and tell the cousins to scoot it back down to their house.
Mentally not ready for what lay ahead of me, I got the girls to go to bed and put and end to ANY conversation period!
Fast forward to this morning riding to the new school. (Again, I realize this is not the most opportune time, but what the heck, I'll give it a go.) My main concern is that my daughters feel like they can come to us about ANYTHING. I want the lines of communication to be completely open.
So, I looked at my two little innocent angels in the very back of my van who singing along to Radio Disney and having a grand ole time when I decide to throw down the gauntlet. Turn off the radio only to receive looks of what the hell are you doing from the back seat. I ask them about the conversation they were having with their cousins the night before and if they new what that word meant. Baby Girl 2 (middle child), who had been looking at me very intently the whole time slowly eases back behind the seat in front of her removing herself from my sight line. "Yes", says Baby Girl 1, "It's when people do stuff together. A guy and girl sleep together."
"Where did you hear about this?", I ask. Are you ready for this????
"At Grandmama's house, it was on the 7th Heaven tv show." (That sound you heard was me being written out of my mother's will for putting this out there for anyone and everyone to see.)
Apparently, 7th Heaven did a good and wholesome job in one of the later episodes with the "talk". But if that doesn't work, try this one...
The jury is still out, but I think I faired better than Ms. Sweeney! Poor gal! ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THEY ASK DO NOT PROVIDE ANYMORE INFORMATION THAN THAT!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
When LOML and I were out to dinner the other night, and perusing the beer and wine (list as we always do), we came across this description for Stella Artois.,
"A beer of a golden color with a light white head."
Thanks, because I am from Mars and have never seen a beer before! Glad I can recognize one now.
"A beer of a golden color with a light white head."
Thanks, because I am from Mars and have never seen a beer before! Glad I can recognize one now.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Traffic is just really annoying period, but people make it worse... Like who are those people who are constantly playing leap frog with you on the road? You know the ones, they go really you go around. Then the next thing you know they are speeding by you, only to slow down again!
Also, why can't people learn to slowly merge over when given ample warning? (as in five miles of signs that say "Road Work five miles, left lane will end.") Instead of trying to use that five miles to slowly get into the right lane, these people drive as fast as their little pieces of metal will carry them to the very tip of where the lane finally ends, causing the right lane to have to slow down and let all of these DA's in! Today...this happened to ME!!! I was in the driver's seat and had quite enough by the time I got to mile 4.5, and took matters into my own hands. I think the couple behind me thought I had lost my mind...but this is how it went down. Using my college educated brain, I asked myself "Self, now how can I show these people flying up in the left lane trying to cut in line (the one in which I and several others had been waiting in for about 45 minutes now) that what they are doing is just not right?" Self answered, "Pull your big ass van into the middle and straddle the line where they can't get around you!" BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I only had one very determined little BMW get by me!
They guy behind me and his companion where shaking their heads, but you know what? The dude in front of me caught on! It was beautiful, we rode the line till the lanes finally merged- POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! (The people who know how to drive that is!) If you can't properly operate a motorized vehicle that someone obviously had enough faith in you to give you a license for- PLEASE GET OFF THE ROAD!!!!!
Also, why can't people learn to slowly merge over when given ample warning? (as in five miles of signs that say "Road Work five miles, left lane will end.") Instead of trying to use that five miles to slowly get into the right lane, these people drive as fast as their little pieces of metal will carry them to the very tip of where the lane finally ends, causing the right lane to have to slow down and let all of these DA's in! Today...this happened to ME!!! I was in the driver's seat and had quite enough by the time I got to mile 4.5, and took matters into my own hands. I think the couple behind me thought I had lost my mind...but this is how it went down. Using my college educated brain, I asked myself "Self, now how can I show these people flying up in the left lane trying to cut in line (the one in which I and several others had been waiting in for about 45 minutes now) that what they are doing is just not right?" Self answered, "Pull your big ass van into the middle and straddle the line where they can't get around you!" BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I only had one very determined little BMW get by me!
They guy behind me and his companion where shaking their heads, but you know what? The dude in front of me caught on! It was beautiful, we rode the line till the lanes finally merged- POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! (The people who know how to drive that is!) If you can't properly operate a motorized vehicle that someone obviously had enough faith in you to give you a license for- PLEASE GET OFF THE ROAD!!!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
I need a vacation from my vacation...
I am completely exhausted and it's just day one of the vacation. Baby Boy slept all the way down (8pm-11:30pm) last night. LOML and I got no sleep last night because BB refused to sleep in his pack-n-play...
Up at 6 am, we hit the beach around 9. Around 10:30, BB began wandering aimlessly all over the beach which, to us, was a clear sign that he needed a nap. I brought him back up for nap attempt number go.
11:30- After a good lunch and some play time, we tried for nap attempt number this point, all of the other kids were returning from the go on nap attempt number 2.
Just a minute, I need to adjust the toothpicks holding my eyelids open...ok, that's better.
Nap attempt number 3 is underway. I have only heard him cry out twice, but fear this is the calm before the storm. He is convinced there is something in the closet that he needs to play with, and refuses to admit that he is exhausted. Uh oh...I just heard not one, but two pacifiers hit the floor! Ohhhhhh, he is pulling out the big guns now! He knows I have to go in there now, ok- I am going in... I get the pacifiers and get him to lay back down. This is ridiculous! PLEASE TAKE A NAP!!! I know he is tired, I can hardly make a complete sentence, so he has got to be on the verge of breaking...ok, I'm going back in-he's really tuning up...
Oh hell, I CAVED!!!
Up at 6 am, we hit the beach around 9. Around 10:30, BB began wandering aimlessly all over the beach which, to us, was a clear sign that he needed a nap. I brought him back up for nap attempt number go.
11:30- After a good lunch and some play time, we tried for nap attempt number this point, all of the other kids were returning from the go on nap attempt number 2.
Just a minute, I need to adjust the toothpicks holding my eyelids open...ok, that's better.
Nap attempt number 3 is underway. I have only heard him cry out twice, but fear this is the calm before the storm. He is convinced there is something in the closet that he needs to play with, and refuses to admit that he is exhausted. Uh oh...I just heard not one, but two pacifiers hit the floor! Ohhhhhh, he is pulling out the big guns now! He knows I have to go in there now, ok- I am going in... I get the pacifiers and get him to lay back down. This is ridiculous! PLEASE TAKE A NAP!!! I know he is tired, I can hardly make a complete sentence, so he has got to be on the verge of breaking...ok, I'm going back in-he's really tuning up...
Oh hell, I CAVED!!!
Naps are overrated anyway...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Olive update...
It's over, I have finished with Olive.
Next book is undecided...what are you reading?
Next book is undecided...what are you reading?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fresh Produce Stand
One of my favorite places to go in our town is a local produce stand that, luckily, is now open year round. It sits on a corner and occupies a space that used to be a filling station. I have enjoyed watching this small business grown over the last few years. I love the fact that I can go purchase wonderful, fresh, local produce for next to nothing when compared to super market prices! Today, I got to witness one of the farmers coming in to try and sell his produce to Mr. Ramsey, the proprietor. The farmer had a crate of really pretty tomatoes that he was trying to sell. Mr. Ramsey gave them a VERY thorough once over before purchasing the crate's contents. It was an interesting deal to watch as I was paying for my loot. I think both men wanted to make sure the other one knew what a "good deal" they were getting. I'm almost certain they thought I was eaves-dropping, but I really couldn't help it!
The Stand
My Loot
More on books....
This is a great listing of some "Laugh out Loud" books on the NPR website this morning...will be adding to my stack I see. Having read some books about the great Vanderbilts- I can't wait to read Dead End Gene Pool.
This is a great listing of some "Laugh out Loud" books on the NPR website this morning...will be adding to my stack I see. Having read some books about the great Vanderbilts- I can't wait to read Dead End Gene Pool.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Family Vacations
As the summer winds down, we are packing up to make one last trip to the beach before school starts back. Baby Girl 2 left this morning with my sister and my nephews and we will join them Thursday night. Since adding Baby Boy to the mix almost two years ago, I have thought a lot about family vacations from my childhood and how things have changed over the past 35 years.
Everyone had a station wagon- minivanistas weren't even thought of yet! Although I did have a friend whose family had one of those vans with the curtains on the windows and captain's chairs that spun around. It was more like your den on wheels- AWESOME!
The first station wagon I remember my mom driving was a smooth and sleek red number more than likely purchased from the local Chevrolet/Oldsmobile dealer. She was one hot mama in that ride I tell you- with her two kids hanging out the window and fighting over who would get to ride in "way-way" back just out of mama's arm reaching ability. I am sure that she was the envy of all of her friends!
The one that I remember more clearly was the brown and wooden two toned number that lasted us until I believe I was in middle school. That one took many a road trips down to New Smyrna Beach or St. Augustine, Florida. I distinctly remember my dad packing us and the luggage into the car...that's not a typo, I said "us". Once my sister came along, there was no way in hell that we were all three going to be riding across that middle seat together, and without putting the roof rack on, the back seat had to lay flat for the luggage and the lucky kid who rode with the luggage. Now for all of you car seat safety nuts, just calm down and don't even think about calling DFACS on my parents because you can bet your sweet tush that you parents did the same thing! I'm pretty sure our cars didn't even have seat belts. It was actually nice being back there with the suitcases- you totally had your own space and no siblings to mess with you. The ultimate treat came when we'd take a friend because then we pulled up the "way-way" back seat! While station wagon shopping in the last few years in an attempt to avoid the minivanistas, I found that the "way-way" back seats, known as "jump seats" to the real experts, are not really "recommended" by the car manufacturers anymore. Pooh! So, after about three months with Baby Boy, Baby Girl 1, and 2 riding around in the Volvo station wagon, I turned in my keys for a Volkswagen Routan. I'm afraid once you go mini, you never go back!
We didn't have DS's, TVs, ipods, or any of that other super cool stuff the kids do now to get them through a long drive. We actually had to "talk" to each other. I still try to get my kids to play the old "ABC" game with the road signs, but it only works about 10% of the time. I remember entertaining with myself by laying down in the floor board and trying to figure out where we were based on the billboard signs we passed. I was a load of fun as you can imagine.
Well, I'm going to go load up the DVDs, secure all of the car seats, and make sure my own ipod, cell phone, and laptop are charged and ready...
Everyone had a station wagon- minivanistas weren't even thought of yet! Although I did have a friend whose family had one of those vans with the curtains on the windows and captain's chairs that spun around. It was more like your den on wheels- AWESOME!
The first station wagon I remember my mom driving was a smooth and sleek red number more than likely purchased from the local Chevrolet/Oldsmobile dealer. She was one hot mama in that ride I tell you- with her two kids hanging out the window and fighting over who would get to ride in "way-way" back just out of mama's arm reaching ability. I am sure that she was the envy of all of her friends!
The one that I remember more clearly was the brown and wooden two toned number that lasted us until I believe I was in middle school. That one took many a road trips down to New Smyrna Beach or St. Augustine, Florida. I distinctly remember my dad packing us and the luggage into the car...that's not a typo, I said "us". Once my sister came along, there was no way in hell that we were all three going to be riding across that middle seat together, and without putting the roof rack on, the back seat had to lay flat for the luggage and the lucky kid who rode with the luggage. Now for all of you car seat safety nuts, just calm down and don't even think about calling DFACS on my parents because you can bet your sweet tush that you parents did the same thing! I'm pretty sure our cars didn't even have seat belts. It was actually nice being back there with the suitcases- you totally had your own space and no siblings to mess with you. The ultimate treat came when we'd take a friend because then we pulled up the "way-way" back seat! While station wagon shopping in the last few years in an attempt to avoid the minivanistas, I found that the "way-way" back seats, known as "jump seats" to the real experts, are not really "recommended" by the car manufacturers anymore. Pooh! So, after about three months with Baby Boy, Baby Girl 1, and 2 riding around in the Volvo station wagon, I turned in my keys for a Volkswagen Routan. I'm afraid once you go mini, you never go back!
We didn't have DS's, TVs, ipods, or any of that other super cool stuff the kids do now to get them through a long drive. We actually had to "talk" to each other. I still try to get my kids to play the old "ABC" game with the road signs, but it only works about 10% of the time. I remember entertaining with myself by laying down in the floor board and trying to figure out where we were based on the billboard signs we passed. I was a load of fun as you can imagine.
Well, I'm going to go load up the DVDs, secure all of the car seats, and make sure my own ipod, cell phone, and laptop are charged and ready...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Oliver Twist
While Baby Boy takes his three hour afternoon nap, BG 1 and BG2 are snuggling up with me and Love of My Life for an afternoon showing of Oliver Twist...he just moved in with the under taker and was shown to his room...the room where they keep the coffins. LoML just told the girls, "just imagine the worst day of your life....and that would be the best day of his life." We will be watching something like Hannah Montana the Movie after this to bring the spirits back up:).
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Where did the summer go? My girls have been in "big kid" school for the past five+ years and I still get a stomach ache when I think about them going back to school before Labor Day! When exactly did those "school" people decide that this was a good idea and why wasn't I invited to the meeting? Don't get me wrong, my girls are ready and I guess I am ready - but I do wish they had more than two weeks of lazy summer days left. I feel as if we just got into a good "lazy" routine, and then WHAM! Summer reading, order uniforms, practice multiplication facts....the list goes on and on.
The only thing that is keeping me sane is the fact that I LOVE school supplies!!! I love the way they look all stacked neatly on the shelves in the store. I love the way a new notebook looks and feels when you open it. I love sharpened pencils and new pens. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE school supplies!
Ok, I know I'm a dork.
The only thing that is keeping me sane is the fact that I LOVE school supplies!!! I love the way they look all stacked neatly on the shelves in the store. I love the way a new notebook looks and feels when you open it. I love sharpened pencils and new pens. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE school supplies!
Ok, I know I'm a dork.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
wow, check out these crazy ads on my blog...
I am getting quite a chuckle at Google and the ads they are putting up here based on the content of my blogs! Really going to have to think before I put stuff up on here from now on:).
On a lighter note...did you know that Gwenyth Paltrow has here own on-line newsletter? Stumble upon it this morning:
Kinda interesting, and funny! Check it out!
On a lighter note...did you know that Gwenyth Paltrow has here own on-line newsletter? Stumble upon it this morning:
Kinda interesting, and funny! Check it out!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Vampires are BACK!!!!
It has been a long and hot summer here, but last week I was excited to see the big orange cranes and trucks that, to us, mean the production crew has arrived! The Vampires are back baby and in full force! (Well, sorta). Last week, the production crews rolled back into town with all of there gear ready to shoot Season 2 of the new hit show Vampire Diaries that is filmed in my home town. Damon, Stephan, Elena, and crew will soon be spotted around town. Ahhh!
Wait just a minute, am I really sitting here typing up a blog about a television show about vampires? Is this really what I have stooped to? Hell yeah it is!! Don't worry, I will continue blogging about all of the other things that make me "who I am", but come on people- you know this whole vampire/werewolf craze that is sweeping the world has gotten under your skin too? Right now, I am keeping tabs on three tv shows and one major movie series whose main characters are either vampires or shape-shifters (things like werewolves for those of you not "in the know") and I am not embarrassed to admit it. However, several of my family members are probably rolling their eyes at me right now for making a complete fool out of myself. But, there it is folks, I am a vampire/werewolf watching junky!
The Twilight series-seen all of the movies, and read the books twice!
Vampire Diaries- how could I NOT be glued to the hit tv show that is filmed in my home town?
True Blood- a great HBO series (Are there any bad HBO series? I miss you Tony and Carmella!) Set in Bon Temps, Louisiana this show has the best characters ever. Oh, and I read all of the Sookie books and can't wait for the next installment. At the moment I am a little upset because my husband just canceled HBO...will have to wait until Netflix or Itunes puts out Season 3:(
ok, and the last one that I have recently taken on...
The Gates (Yes dear, I have started watching this one too- sorry!:)) This one is really just getting started, but from what I have seen so far, it is based on a cop from Chicago and his family that have moved into what can only be described as a gated community on crack! What I mean is, there is basically a stone wall with security cameras around the entire community. It has been built by some big developer to promote the safest environment for people to come raise their families. One problem though, they sold some houses to a bunch of vampires and werewolves trying to make good with their lives, but are having a hard time with all those humans running around. Talk about a homeowner's association's nightmare!!!
Well, the recent Twi-movie, Eclipse, was my favorite so far. Baby Girl 1 and Baby Girl 2 keep asking when they can read the books/see the movies. Still way too young! Mainly because it is quite scary at parts and just not age appropriate AT ALL! (Unfortunately, the couple with the 3 and 4 year old who sat next to me at the movies have other parenting ideas.)
Vampire Diaries is just getting better with age, like any good bottle of wine! Looking forward to September when I am hoping the new season will start...but will find out for sure and get back to you.
True Blood- Not too upset at missing the show right now since I have read all of the books that are way past the show's story line, so I basically know what's happening, but I do miss my Sunday night Sookie time!
The Gates- Missed it last week, so I am downloading the episode now on Itunes and must go watch before Baby Boy wakes up ready to play! Oh, there it is done and ready for my viewing pleasure. Gotta run-
Wait just a minute, am I really sitting here typing up a blog about a television show about vampires? Is this really what I have stooped to? Hell yeah it is!! Don't worry, I will continue blogging about all of the other things that make me "who I am", but come on people- you know this whole vampire/werewolf craze that is sweeping the world has gotten under your skin too? Right now, I am keeping tabs on three tv shows and one major movie series whose main characters are either vampires or shape-shifters (things like werewolves for those of you not "in the know") and I am not embarrassed to admit it. However, several of my family members are probably rolling their eyes at me right now for making a complete fool out of myself. But, there it is folks, I am a vampire/werewolf watching junky!
The Twilight series-seen all of the movies, and read the books twice!
Vampire Diaries- how could I NOT be glued to the hit tv show that is filmed in my home town?
True Blood- a great HBO series (Are there any bad HBO series? I miss you Tony and Carmella!) Set in Bon Temps, Louisiana this show has the best characters ever. Oh, and I read all of the Sookie books and can't wait for the next installment. At the moment I am a little upset because my husband just canceled HBO...will have to wait until Netflix or Itunes puts out Season 3:(
ok, and the last one that I have recently taken on...
The Gates (Yes dear, I have started watching this one too- sorry!:)) This one is really just getting started, but from what I have seen so far, it is based on a cop from Chicago and his family that have moved into what can only be described as a gated community on crack! What I mean is, there is basically a stone wall with security cameras around the entire community. It has been built by some big developer to promote the safest environment for people to come raise their families. One problem though, they sold some houses to a bunch of vampires and werewolves trying to make good with their lives, but are having a hard time with all those humans running around. Talk about a homeowner's association's nightmare!!!
Well, the recent Twi-movie, Eclipse, was my favorite so far. Baby Girl 1 and Baby Girl 2 keep asking when they can read the books/see the movies. Still way too young! Mainly because it is quite scary at parts and just not age appropriate AT ALL! (Unfortunately, the couple with the 3 and 4 year old who sat next to me at the movies have other parenting ideas.)
Vampire Diaries is just getting better with age, like any good bottle of wine! Looking forward to September when I am hoping the new season will start...but will find out for sure and get back to you.
True Blood- Not too upset at missing the show right now since I have read all of the books that are way past the show's story line, so I basically know what's happening, but I do miss my Sunday night Sookie time!
The Gates- Missed it last week, so I am downloading the episode now on Itunes and must go watch before Baby Boy wakes up ready to play! Oh, there it is done and ready for my viewing pleasure. Gotta run-
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Lies I have been known to tell my doctor:
Doctor: "Are you exercising and eating right?"
Me: "Oh yes! Running and cut WAY back on the food!" (Running to catch the ice cream truck and cutting mack from one whole pizza to 1/2 a pizza)
Doctor: " How much do you drink on a weekly basis?"
Me: "Oh, a glass of red wine here and there. " (Every night starting at 5 sharp, here in the kitchen, there in the den, really anywhere....)
Olive update...
Hands down, this is definitely one of the most interesting books I have read in a while (and yes, I am including all of the Vampire books that line my book shelves:)). Every chapter is basically a new short story where occasionally you see some over-lapping characters, but you NEVER know what is coming next. Not my usual pager turner, but a page turner non-the-less. The characters are all well written and the stories are intriguing. This book has it all- love, comedy, and action all rolled into one. Still not done, but being 75% through, I can say this:
Check it out, buy it, or download it TODAY!
Check it out, buy it, or download it TODAY!
More tales from Walmart...
Wal-mart, I can go in there for two things and leave with 20. I know I am not the only one out there with this problem, so I ask you this- what are those other 18 things?
Monday, July 19, 2010
"Honk for blueberries", It Doesn't get Much More Southern Than This, Part 2
After leaving the taxidermy shop of the late Joe Kellar, Miss Emme showed us what was, a few months ago, quite an array of day lilies- all but a handful past their prime. She told us we should cut through her side yard leading to the neighbor's backyard and check to see if they were selling blueberries today. You see, it does seem to me that in the South (not having spent too much time up North I can't swear to this), it is almost an insult if you don't visit your neighbors, friends, family via their backdoor.
We were lucky that Ms. Carla was over there with I assume her daughter and mother high up in the blueberry bushes that lined the driveway leading to the house. Approaching from the back of the house, we made our presence know and we were once again greeted with that good ole' Southern hospitality. Carla, as it turns out, went to school with our friend's older brother and had not seen our friend in many years so a few brief introductions had to be made. Now I need to tell you that Baby Boy loves him some fruit straight off the bush, vine, tree- whatever..., heck, he doesn't care if it's on the ground covered in dirt. We had found his Heaven on earth right there in North Georgia off Big A Road. We all enjoyed picking and eating right off the bushes, and even purchased several quarts that Carla and company had already picked.
We made our way back to our cut through heading towards Grandaddy's via Miss Emme's yard, and I saw this sign displayed perfectly on the front of Carla's home:
Sunday, July 18, 2010
It just doesn't get much more Southern than this...part 1
There are three things that I really do appreciate in life: my family, my friends, and living in the South. Now, for all of our flaws, (which I honestly do not believe there to be any, but trying to stay objective for the reader I will keep an open mind), the South is nothing if not interesting- especially if you take the time to really get down to the heart of it and meet some true "Southern Gems". On a recent trip home from picking up our eldest daughter (Baby Girl 1) from camp in North Georgia, we were fortunate enough to be asked by our dear friends and their children to stop by their grandfather's (affectionately know as "Grandaddy") home. He lives up there off Big A Road, jut turn left at the Baptist Tabernacle onto Rose Lane and his house is up on the left. A simple ranch style house that sits among the beautiful oak trees that Grandaddy planted himself some 49 years ago. Grandaddy was waiting under the carport when we pulled into the gravel driveway. I had met Grandaddy a few times before and was happy to see him again. Not having spent a great deal of time in his presence, I am fairly confident that he is the kind of "gem" that uses words like "honey" and "sugar" when referring to any female in his life and "fella" and "buster" when referring to the males.
We go inside and are, in the Southern way, offered anything he can get for us to make our visit more comfortable including the homemade fudge that he keeps available at all times. We politely decline since we had just scarfed some gourmet Mexican for Los Amigos on Big A Road, but thanked him anyway. The kids play around for a bit and the adults meander into the living area. Grandaddy has recently snatched up quite a piece of furniture that is really the focal point of the whole house if you ask me. He has a sofa that stretches at the very least 14 feet down one wall that came out of his recently departed sister's home. (In the South, that means dead, not recently left the building.) Boy, did he score big on this!! Not only can two people stretch out on this bad boy (not spooning, but feet to feet), but out of the five sections that make up this sofa, FOUR of them RECLINE! In the name of God and all that is holy, would someone please tell me who sat down and came up with this idea??!?! Grandaddy is a lucky, lucky man. It was really all my husband could do to stop me from getting Grandaddy to reveal where the dead sister picked up this token piece of furniture, and how I could acquire one for myself. Oh well, Christmas gift anyone?
Shortly, our friend came in from the kitchen after calling the neighbor, Mrs. Emme Kellar. He said we were going on a little field trip next door, because we couldn't come to Grandaddy's and not see Mr. Joe's taxidermy shop...excuse me?
So we take off across the field and all our friends keep telling us is , "you aren't going to believe this", and this is "so cool"....hmmm, OK, a bunch of dead, stuffed animals in a barn-I am with you on the "I'm not gonna believe this" part, but "cool"?
"Miss Emme", a petite and gentle woman, met us out back to let us into her somewhat recently departed (please see paragraph above) husband's shop. Now, I do need to tell you I had my camera drawn and ready as if it was going to protect me from what I was walking into.
Cool? I do believe I stand corrected. Mr. Joe Kellar, was a "larger than life" kinda man, my friends exclaimed, and I do believe that to be true. The shop was covered from floor to ceiling with his work, fishing poles, massive numbers of awards from all over the state of Georgia and at least 30-40 walking sticks. Definitely left wishing we had come four years earlier when Mr. Joe could have given us the tour himself.
This is just what every Southerner likes to keep on their wall...a deer's butt....heads are overrated!!
What's wrong with letting your children become one with nature?
Wouldn't want to meet this guy in a dark ally...

What's wrong with letting your children become one with nature?
Friday, July 16, 2010
That Curious Monkey
Can we talk a minute about the lovable character, Curious George? Shouldn't someone consider calling PETA or the very least Animal Control to report the monkey and the Man with the yellow hat? The monkey is always being left unattended reeking havoc with his curiosity while the Man goes off to run errands or travel to the jungles of Africa. I think this is an outrage! Wouldn't you call DFACS if I ran off to the grocery store or Bermuda for the weekend to study pink coral and left Baby Boy to fend for himself?? I mean, come on people, he IS cute and all but what is he really teaching the Baby Boys of the world?
Today's lesson:
How to build a catapult and shoot junk out of a window on the second floor of your home....
Today's lesson:
How to build a catapult and shoot junk out of a window on the second floor of your home....
A way of eating healthy.
"Scorpacciata is a term that means consuming large amounts of a particular local ingredient while it's in season. It's a good way to eat."
I saw this on the CNN website today and it struck me that there was even a word for this! Just yesterday I was trying to figure out to eat all 8 locally grown tomatoes before they reached their peak! I have read a lot about "eating what's in season" and it is a GREAT and HEALTHY way to eat.
Here is a good site that can help guide you to eat seasonally and find local restaurants, farms, and grocery stores that carry local ingredients in your area:
Bon Appetite!
I saw this on the CNN website today and it struck me that there was even a word for this! Just yesterday I was trying to figure out to eat all 8 locally grown tomatoes before they reached their peak! I have read a lot about "eating what's in season" and it is a GREAT and HEALTHY way to eat.
Here is a good site that can help guide you to eat seasonally and find local restaurants, farms, and grocery stores that carry local ingredients in your area:
Bon Appetite!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Trips to Wal-mart and other dumb things I do...
Stepping up to the plate, so to speak, I agreed to help out with my 2 1/2 year old nephew today while everyone else otherwise occupied. Nephew was not all that pleased at the idea of coming with Baby Boy and myself to the gym for me to get in a quick work-out(as part of my new routine of no scales, keep moving, and eating right). (STRIKE 1) Then, against my better judgement, but knowing that I had to at least hit a single, I promised him we would go to Wal-mart afterwards and look for a Batman toy (the flavor of the month in the world of super heroes).
As we drove into the Wal-mart parking lot I was ready to do my once down the aisle search for that one coveted space near the door that is never available only to find that the very first car space WAS available!! The Wal-mart gods were shining on me today I tell you!! We make our way back to the very back of the store where they always hide the toy section. Now, Nephew is not the most decisive child I have met, but was quick to tell me what they already owned, enabling us to narrow down the choices...unfortunately, the local Wal-mart is running low on Batman paraphernalia, (for those of you who are interested). The coolest thing I found was a Batman car that you shook up to make it speak and then drive off! We played with these for a while until he got bored and handed the Batman care to Baby Boy- who, by the way, LOVED IT! On to the Star Wars figures. Now, I have seen the original Star Wars more times than I would like to admit, but these new ones and all the new characters are really just too much for me to keep up with so I totally followed Nephew's lead on this one. After walking up and down the toy aisles SEVERAL times to make sure he picked out exactly what he wanted ($6 set of action figures) it was time to go. As we move to the check out line a tiny little voice in my head reminds me that I took my wallet out of my purse at have got to be kidding me?!(STRIKE 2). Nephew, Baby Boy and I head to the customer service counter to leave our cart and head home to get the wallet. (Yes, I did think about bailing completely, but Nephew was having none of that.)
As we headed back out to our coveted parking spot, several cars start to line up thinking they are going to be the next lucky winner...ugh...
Go home, get wallet, Nephew is convinced that someone at Wal-mart is going to get our toys, repeating this phrase, "someone's gonna get my toy, someone's gonna get my toy". Me, "Nephew, zip it!!"
Pull back into parking lot and you won't believe it but we pull up to the EXACT same space and the lady that snagged it when we left is cranking up to leave!! The Wal-mart gods strike again!!
We go dashing in to the customer service desk to get our cart. Nephew smiled his sweet smile when he saw that no, no one had taken his toy. Home run, maybe not, but I think I at least got a double!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Good books
I am an avid reader and the book I picked up last night, Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout, was recommended by my MIL(mother-in-law)-and so far so good. Set in a little town in Maine, Olive is a retired school teacher (not the happiest person on the planet), and the people in her life. At this point in the book, the story is being told from her beaten down husband's point of view. Beaten down, that is, by his wife Olive. When talking to my MIL about it this afternoon when picking up baby boy, I mentioned to her that this Olive character is just not nice...she said, that's nothing, just wait until I get to the part when she gets her first daughter-in-law!! I will keep you posted...also, another wonderful book I just read- The Butterfly House by, Marcia Preston
Today is the first day of the rest of my life...
So over lunch today one of my best friends and I were once again discussing our delima with "loosing weight". Well, she has actually gotten to a good place and was trying very hard to bring me along on the journey...
As women, we beat ourselves up over this constantly- I am actually president of the club on this. Since about age 12, I have really struggled with my weight. Gaining, loosing, gaining with babies, gaining some endless cycle of pain, low self esteem, and lots of food- that brings me nowhere but down. So, after many conversations on this topic, this is where we are today. (Thanks to some help from
1. I have thrown out my scales. I really wanted to take a sledge hammer to them, but....well, I didn't.
and 2. I will continue to eat right and keep moving because it makes me feel good, not to loose weight- that will just be the icing on the cake.
So there you have it, today is a new day.
As women, we beat ourselves up over this constantly- I am actually president of the club on this. Since about age 12, I have really struggled with my weight. Gaining, loosing, gaining with babies, gaining some endless cycle of pain, low self esteem, and lots of food- that brings me nowhere but down. So, after many conversations on this topic, this is where we are today. (Thanks to some help from
1. I have thrown out my scales. I really wanted to take a sledge hammer to them, but....well, I didn't.
and 2. I will continue to eat right and keep moving because it makes me feel good, not to loose weight- that will just be the icing on the cake.
So there you have it, today is a new day.
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