Up at 6 am, we hit the beach around 9. Around 10:30, BB began wandering aimlessly all over the beach which, to us, was a clear sign that he needed a nap. I brought him back up for nap attempt number 1...no go.
11:30- After a good lunch and some play time, we tried for nap attempt number 2...at this point, all of the other kids were returning from the beach...no go on nap attempt number 2.
Just a minute, I need to adjust the toothpicks holding my eyelids open...ok, that's better.
Nap attempt number 3 is underway. I have only heard him cry out twice, but fear this is the calm before the storm. He is convinced there is something in the closet that he needs to play with, and refuses to admit that he is exhausted. Uh oh...I just heard not one, but two pacifiers hit the floor! Ohhhhhh, he is pulling out the big guns now! He knows I have to go in there now, ok- I am going in... I get the pacifiers and get him to lay back down. This is ridiculous! PLEASE TAKE A NAP!!! I know he is tired, I can hardly make a complete sentence, so he has got to be on the verge of breaking...ok, I'm going back in-he's really tuning up...
Oh hell, I CAVED!!!
Naps are overrated anyway...
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