Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The New Look

I am one of those people who is CONSTANTLY wanting to re-arrange my furniture or trying to find new ways to organize my tupperware.  Sometimes I do it just to drive LOML (Love of my Life) crazy.  He calls it "my new system" when he comes home and he sees that I have emptied out all the cabinets thinking that if I move the plates to a new space it will make all of the clutter in my kitchen disappear.  I think he likes to use it as a way to get out of unloading the dishes:)   It's a little game we play, I move everything around, don't tell him where anything is and watch him go around the kitchen trying to find a cup.  Moving furniture is a whole different ball-game, and it usually calls for a mid afternoon call to the office to get a feel for the mood before I start moving sofas and beds around.  He is a very organized person and very Not so much.  As I said, I am in a constant moving, reorganizing mode.  Hence the reason for the new look here- clean and somewhat un-cluttered...hope you like.  But don't get used to it, I can almost promise you it will be different next week.