Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Pet

So, we are thinking of adding to the chaos and getting a dog.  I just feel like we don't have enough going on with the kids doing ballet, gymnastics, art, choir, homework, me being an incredible wife, mom, taxi driver....the list goes on.  Anyway, back to the dog.  We are are thinking about, well heck, we've already sent the paper work in to the Boykin Rescue Society in the hopes to adopt a sweet little Boykin named Lady Bug.  I had no idea what a process this would be!  We had to put a "reference" down, so we put down a good friend and lover of dogs.  Check- they called him today and all he can say is we may want to look into getting a fish.  The next step is a house visit.  I assume they come and check to see that we have a loving and stable home in which to raise the young pup.  Really??  This may not turn out as well as I would hope and I am working on what I will tell the girls.  I hope they don't so "sneak" attacks and catch me in one of my not so finest parenting moments-aka yelling...

Many years ago, well about three, we lost our family pet.  Well, you might actually say we had joint custody with my in-laws.  When we lived closer to them , he would escape our yard, cross a major road and dig his way in to their dog pen.  (It's a good thing he can't give a reference.)  Hap was a sweet Britney Spaniel that LOML got in Law School (I think) and I am sure was his sole companion until I came along and swept him off his feet.  Towards the end, we had several trips to the vet trying to do everything we could to keep the old guy with us including once a week $25 horse shots for his hips.  Anything for Hap and quite honestly, the other alternative was one we were not ready to face, and in all seriousness, no one wants to face with their family pet.
In trying to keep all of this light and hoping not to offend, I do have to tell you about our "almost" trip to the vet when we just knew it was the end and he really was really just suffering too much.  LOML, after a long couple of days where Hap would just barely get up and not really eating decided it was time.  I felt so sorry for him.  He called his dad to ride with him to our vet with Hap.  When LOML pulled into the driveway of his parents' house, his Dad was already digging a hole. Sad.  LOML got out to help his dad, leaving the truck door open.  For the first time in days, Hap leapt out of the car and took off running around the yard nearly falling into what was going to be his eternal resting place.  LOML's mom came running out and graciously offered to keep Hap and care for him at her house.  Kinda like Dog Hospice really.  I think Hap knew he would get better care there for sure.  Either that or he just knew this was going to make a funny story one day- he had a good sense of humor too.   So, from that day for the next almost year, Hap remained with his grandparents.  ( Ok, I'm thinking I won't publish this until after the adoption goes through?)
So, back to the present.  The Rescue Society was very quick to check our reference and talk to our vet, but things have seemed to slow down a bit.  Starting to worry that someone will come snatch ole' Lady up if something doesn't happen soon!  Keep your fingers crossed!

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